
The work of MINERAE is to erase, to the greatest extent possible, the boundary between the physical form and the digital, the tangible and the invisible, which follows on from my research into digital materials. With the common theme of animism (the idea that everything in nature has a soul), , to understand the power with which they should be attributed. The first humans on the planet placed stones vertically and gave them a divine meaning. Minérae is a initiation journey in three stages.
Contemplation / Experimentation / Appropriation .
The introduction to Minerae begins with contemplation of stones. This first encounter with these sculptures will question the spectator on their origins, their contents, their functions. The spectator can find familiar forms there. It is via this triptych that the material is shown under its most raw shape and that it reveals us its mystic dimension.
The second stage consists of two augmented reality experiences. Each of these experiences is built on a illustration with a physical scene comprising mineral-type sculptures. The shape and material of the sculptures is designed to show the detailed form of stones.
The augmented reality is revealed to the spectator using tablet computers, showing the hidden power in the stones, how they communicate between each other, and what can be revealed in our imagination. Technology increasingly erases the line between the tangible and the invisible.
The devicegives the possibility to the spectator to manipulate the material, to analyze it in detail.
A dive in the inmost depths of the material is made possible thanks to an interactive device and to the technology of the leap motion (interactive projection in large format). The user will have the impression of having touched, physically, digital material, the boundary between these entities has totally disappeared.
The entire installation is accompanied by music composed Jean Emmanuel Rosnet, which allows for the spectator to adapt to these new experiences, thanks to atmospheric music and soft, hypnotising layers.
The augmented reality experiences were created in collaboration with Brûle studio. The third experience, this was created in collaboration with Hémisphère studio. A MIRAGE Festival production, with the support of the regional council Rhônes Alpes.
Captation: Elodie Matcha
Music : Jean Emmanuel Rosnet
Photos by Aurelien Aumond who made a series of photos on the animist part of the exhibition.
How to get to climb the hidden strength of the stones.
You can see the whole picture here