La roche et l’eau sont mêlées étroitement dans une relation ancestrale faite d’amalgame et de transferts. Ensemble elles dissolvent les corps, calcifient les instruments, s’écoulent et rongent les parois de nos aspirations humaines, ramenant les idées, comme les machines qui les structurent, aux fondements de la terre.
Rock and water are closely intertwined in an ancestral relationship made of amalgam and transfers. Together they dissolve bodies, calcify instruments, flow and corrode the walls of our human aspirations, bringing back ideas, like the machines that structure them, down to the foundations of the earth.
Tryptique is a set of 3 videos made by Arnaud Laffond. The voiceover and sound were produced by Guillaume Seyller. Floating spaces in the middle of infinite skies become the stage of an apparition: rock, water, a flow arise. The sun is turning, a lying body seems to be waiting for something. Above these contemplative images of a universe reduced to a few of its basic elements, a voice recounts what the earth has been like, or what it may become. Allowing the words and the pictures to blend in a poetic statement, those videos depict a world that keeps collapsing, waiting for its renewal. Poetic videos that deal with the subject of collapsology, our non-actions towards the protection of our planet. Our consumerist and capitalist view of human beings is increasingly selfish. Messages about the climate emergency make most people lazy, staring at the wall that stands in our way. For whistleblowers, they are almost seen as madmen or harbingers of misfortune who are just waiting for this inevitable moment.
//Triptyque// est une série de trois vidéos réalisées par Arnaud Laffond.
La voix off et le son ont été réalisés par Guillaume Seyller.
Titrage typo par Benjamin Dumond